How to gain weight?
Most women want to lose weight. For centuries, society has imposed a model based on standards and from there many injunctions are born. What we often forget to say, however, is that while some women struggle to lose weight, others have difficulty gaining it. Thinness, thinness, protruding bones... How to gain weight healthily when you are a woman?
The relative importance of weight
There are many reasons why gaining weight can be difficult. According to the WHO, which adopted the principle of the Belgian mathematician Adolphe Quetelet and his Body Mass Index, a BMI lower than 18.5 would indicate thinness in women.
Although it is only an indicator to refer to, it is important to take into account that a BMI below 18.5 can lead to various health problems:
- A weakening of the immune system;
- Hair loss;
- Vulnerable skin and nails;
- The feverishness of the skeleton;
- Lack of menstruation.
Being healthy is one of the reasons women gain weight. But this decision can also be a purely aesthetic desire. Feeling good in your body is essential for:
- Improve self-confidence;
- Boost self-esteem;
- Dare more in your daily life;
- Free yourself from your complexes and blockages;
- Have a more positive view of yourself.
Identify the cause of thinness
There are several causes that can explain a woman's thinness. Depending on the reason for a woman's thinness, different solutions can be considered, each suitable for a specific situation.
The metabolism
There are two different types of metabolism. On the one hand, “slow metabolisms”. No matter what you eat, your body is in “energy saving” mode. In other words, each calorie has difficulty being eliminated, regardless of the intensity of your activities.
Conversely, a so-called “rapid” metabolism sees the calories ingested very quickly eliminated, even without much activity. The body goes into “rapid burning” mode, and you eliminate it without difficulty, which can lead to rapid weight loss or even the absence of weight gain despite constant efforts.
Constitutional thinness
Constitutional thinness is characterized by an absence of weight gain and a state considered “lean”, i.e. a BMI less than 18.5. The person affected by constitutional thinness will experience a lack of weight gain, no matter what they eat. This condition is not accompanied by poor health, which can lead to insecurities about your appearance.
Eating disorders
Another cause of thinness in a woman can be eating disorders (EDB). Anorexia, bulimia... these are mental pathologies which have real repercussions on women's weight and, above all, their state of health.
Complexes and insecurities
Everyone can have complexes and have their own little insecurities. However, for some people, these details turn into immense clouds that darken daily life and fulfillment. Protruding bones become parts to hide from the eyes of others, thoughts about your physique follow one another, and this impression that everything relates to your weight or your physique never leaves you; It’s the start of a vicious circle that we need to get out of as quickly as possible!
The study of metabolisms
Metabolism is one of the many systems of the human body. As complex as the nervous system, metabolism is a process that aims to “recycle” proteins, sugars, fats, etc. in energy for the whole body. Metabolism is much broader than just metabolic rate, which reflects the number of calories the body burns in a set period of time.
As mentioned earlier, there is a “slow” metabolism and a “fast” metabolism. They both relate to how the body will consume energy from food. Let's see in detail what makes their respective particularities.
Slow metabolism
Beyond weight gain, a slow metabolism can also lead to severe fatigue, loss of energy or very little energy on a daily basis. Likewise, abnormal hair loss, dry skin and brittle nails can be signs of a slow metabolism.
Fast metabolism
Rapid metabolism, beyond a lack of weight gain, can also be characterized by physical and emotional signs. Beyond an absence of weight gain, a person with a fast metabolism will feel full of energy, generally warm and more often hungry even after eating three meals a day. Additionally, a fast metabolism can lead to menstrual irregularities as well as more frequent mood swings.
Often overlooked, rapid metabolism is nevertheless one of the main causes of lack of weight gain. In the case of thinness, this can pose an aesthetic concern. However, there are solutions that allow you to gain weight and increase your mass while remaining healthy!
The speed of metabolism is linked to genetic heritage but can also be accelerated by different factors such as:
- the stress ;
- nicotine;
- caffeine;
- muscle density.
NB: despite all this information, it should be noted that metabolism is likely to change with age just as it is possible to boost it if yours seems slow to you.
The subtlety of food
In addition to metabolism and the different causes of thinness in a woman, we must also take into account the energy content of different foods. And for good reason, if we tend to want to eat more sugary or fatty foods to gain weight quickly, it turns out that this is not necessarily the best idea.
Indeed, if it is recommended to consume foods rich in fiber (for the feeling of satiety) or in minerals (to encourage metabolism when it is slow), it is also possible to find foods not recommended in the process of weight gain.
Among them, it is advisable to avoid:
- Steamed foods;
- Light products;
- So-called “light” drinks;
- Broth-based dishes;
- Skimmed milk and dairy products;
- Skinless poultry breast.
The most important thing to gain weight is to keep in mind that the diet must be adapted and balanced. It's not enough to stock up on sugars of all kinds to gain a few pounds!
The high-calorie diet to gain weight
If you are feeling thin, one of the tips you can give is to change your eating habits in favor of a high-calorie diet. Beyond the constitution of meals, the high-calorie diet includes several lifestyle habits to put in place in order to increase your BMI.
Favor energy-rich foods
These allow you to gain weight in a healthy way, in particular by avoiding fried foods, too sweet, or already prepared dishes. It is then possible to move towards naturally high-calorie foods such as bread, cream, whole milk, mangoes or bananas, eggs, beef, lamb or fatty fish (tuna, salmon, etc.) .
Increase your appetite
To increase your appetite, it is important to eat meals at regular times. Thus, the body bases itself on this rhythm and learns to use the energy that you give it until it develops a faster rhythm and, if necessary, a greater hunger.
Set up snacks
Including snacks allows the body to have a surplus of energy during the day. During the weight gain process, snacks will provide a significant calorie intake. Some examples of snacks:
- Cereals with whole milk;
- 2 slices of bread with jam;
- A handful of nuts and a square of chocolate.
Integrate “good” fats into the diet
Incorporating natural fats into your diet will promote weight gain in a regular and non-invasive way for the body. Many foods allow you to gain fat levels naturally. It's the case for :
- Olive oil ;
- Hummus/chickpeas;
- Oilseed butter (pistachios, hazelnuts, peanuts, etc.);
- Chocolate ;
- Pastries when they are homemade.
Engage in moderate physical activity
Practicing physical activity, whatever it may be (walking, jogging, cycling, field sport, etc.), allows the body to stay in shape. When you gain weight, your body will absorb many calories and a lot of energy. Moderate physical activity certainly eliminates some calories, but above all it keeps the body in good health. And sport... whets the appetite!
The extra tip!
Wanting to gain weight means changing your lifestyle and habits to put new ones in place. Beyond all these tips, the main thing to integrate into daily life when you want to gain weight is patience.
Gaining weight is a long process that does not necessarily have an immediate effect. Patience, motivation and perseverance are the watchwords.
Finally, we offer cures that promote weight gain such as the Premium Volume Boost Cure .
You can also find all our treatments available for getting in shape.
Whether weight gain represents an aesthetic objective, a desire for a fitter figure, or a path towards a more fulfilled life devoid of complexes, there is a suitable solution. Abeli offers to support you in your weight gain.